2011 Garmin (Slipstream/Chipotle) Ethik-Code

Ethik-Codes, freiwillige Antidoping-Maßnahmen

Garmin-Cervélo, Stand 3.2011

Garmin-Cervélo’s anti-doping policy

Any and all supplements or medications, not approved by the medical staff of the team, found in possession or being consumed by any rider will result in an immediate suspension from competition. The possible end of this suspension will be determined by team medical staff and management.

All riders are required to participate in the ADSI* testing pool, if they wish to compete.

Any adverse or suspicious finding from ADSI will result in immediate suspension from racing. ADSI and team management will inform all pertinent authorities immediately of this finding, so as they may act accordingly.

ADSI testing may occur 24/7. It is not subject to WADA limitations.

ADSI testing will include tests not yet approved by WADA. These tests, if adverse, will result in a suspension from competition.

Slipstream Sports has a strict no needles policy. No injections or infusions of any kind will be permitted in any racing, training or resting circumstance, no matter time of year, location, or event. If you are a member of this team, you cannot inject yourself or have someone else inject you. Period. If there is a severe medical need, such as cortisone to reduce inflammation in a knee, any injection must approved by the management and medical team. Failure to adhere to this will mean a suspension from all racing.

I understand and accept the above,

Printed name………………


* Anti-doping Sciences Institute, the manager of Garmin-Cervélo internal anti-doping programme.

Quelle: cyclingnews, 9.3.2011

Garmin Chipotle, ab 11.2008

Die Teams Columbia and Garmin Chipotle arbeiten ab November 2008 mit Don Catlin und dessen Institut zusammen. Bereits im Novermber wurden von Catlin erste Tests durchgeführt , das Programm soll weitreichender als das des biologischen Passes der UCI sein.

cn: Catlin fills ACE void for Columbia and Garmin

Garmin, zuvor Slipstream/Chipotle Team, 2007 – 11.2008

Das amerikanische Professional Cycling Team unter der sportlichen Leitung von Jonathan Vaughters hat sich ab 2007 einen strikten Antidopingkurs verordnet. Mit Hilfe von Blut- und Urin-Tests sollen Profile erstellt werden, die erlauben, Dopingmissbrauch schon früh zu erkennen. Dazu ging man eine Partnerschaft mit der Agency for Sporting Ethics (ASE) ein. mit der ab 2008 auch das T-Mobile-Nachfolgeteam High-Road zusammenarbeiten wird.

„Each Slipstream rider is tested not for the illegal substances, but for the body’s reactions to doping. To do that, riders are blood-tested 50 times a year, at least five times more than usual. In the program, they are also urine-tested 50 times a year.“

Doug Ellis, Slipstream Sports: “It is our genuine hope that by setting an example of our willingness to invest into regaining the public’s trust, reestablishing cycling’s credibility, and rekindling hope of fair sport, that other professional athletes and teams will follow us and put their resources and effort into this push for renewal.”(Teamseite: Slipstream Sports Professional Cycling Team)

siehe auch folgenden Artikel:

New York Times: Welcoming Testing, Team Battles Cycling’s Image