Doping: Bergman, Adam

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Adam Bergmann: Offener Brief

Adam Bergman, Fahrer aus den USA, geb. 30.8.1980, wurde 2004 wegen EPO-Dopings für zwei Jahre gesperrt. Seit dem 22.6.2006 kann er wieder Rennen fahren. Lange leugnete er sein EPO-Doping, doch in einem offenen Brief vom Februar 2006 an VeloNews bekennt er sich offen dazu, wie es dazu kam, erzählt er allerdings nicht.

Almost two years ago, I tested positive for EPO. Until now, I have not been a strong enough person to admit to taking EPO. I never denied the charges, but I hid behind the fact that the test results were not entirely clear, and I hoped that I might be able to get off on a technicality.

It is time to tell the truth. I did it. I experimented with the drug EPO when I was preparing for the Tour de Georgia. This admission has been a long time in coming, and I should have done it a lot sooner. It seemed easier to say the test is bad or blame it on someone else’s error than to admit the truth. I made a big mistake when I tried EPO, and I made matters even worse by not having the courage to admit that mistake. My family raised me to be a better person than that.

Being honest at this point can’t change what I did. If some other young cyclist is facing difficult personal problems or hardships, however, I hope that my experience might help them deal with life’s challenges in a better way. I’m not going to elaborate on the personal difficulties I was going through, because at the end of the day they are just excuses. No excuse justifies what I did. If someone else is struggling with problems and is tempted to take the easy way out by cheating, my plea to you is don’t do it. Even if you’re luckier than I was and don’t get caught, and even if you think it will help you get through a tough time, it’s not worth it. You have to deal with your conscience the rest of your life.

I know I can never fully restore my good name, and maybe that’s how it should be. I knew the consequences were real and I have to take full responsibility for my actions. What is so sad for me personally is that beyond the damage to my personal reputation, cycling is the sport I love and I only added damage to its reputation.

If anything good comes of this experience, maybe it can show others that drugs have absolutely no positive outcomes. What I did not only ruined my career and personal life in every single aspect but I hurt a lot of other people. My selfish act tarnished the reputation of my sponsors, teammates and manager. I know it’s too late, but I apologize to them personally.

This has been a hard lesson for me, but it’s one I deserved, and one I would never wish on anyone. I am in my second and final year of suspension (as well as continuing with USADA’s out-of-competition testing program) and am looking forward to competing again, clean, in the sport I love.

Though it may be hard, I hope that one day people can forgive me for what I have done. I don’t ask anyone to forget because I know I never will myself.


Adam Bergman