Großbritannien: Dokumente, Daten, Studien

Dokumente, Daten, Studien – Großbritannien

2022 UKAD: Investigating Behaviours and Influences of Athlete Support Personnel on Clean Sport

2021 WADA-Report Operation Echo, BC und UKAD 2011

2021 Report Coach Education: Creating an Evidence-Based Clean Sport, Curriculum for Coaches in the Combatting Doping in Sport

2009-heute UK National Anti-Doping Policy

2020 University of Manchester: escalation in opioid use, PM Univ. Birmingham


2017 BBC Studie: Doping unter Amateuren

2016 Final Report of the Independent Review Commissioned by the UK Anti-Doping Board

2015 Analysis of sport fed. in doping prevention in the UK

2013-2016, 2019 Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs, Survey Results

2014 Liz Nicholl, UK Sport im Sportausschuss Dt. Bundestag

2014 Doping in team and individual sports

2009 Waddington, Ivan: The recent History of Drug Use in Great Britain

2009 Clean Olympians? The views of talented young British athletes

2007 Human Enhancement Technologies in Sport, Report

2004 Memorandum submitted by UK Sport (Drugs ans Doping)

2004 DRUGS AND ROLE MODELS IN SPORT, Anhörung Michele Verroken

2002 BMA: Drugs in sport: the pressure to perform

2001 Ethical aspects and the prevalence of hormone abuse in sport

1998 Independent: Drugs in Sport Survey

1975 Anabole Steroide, Diskussion in GB

1965 Europarat/council of Europe: Großbritannien Anti-Doping-Beschlüsse. Doping of Athletes, physical Education

1962 Europarat/council of Europe: Doping des Athlètes _ Aperçu du problème tel qu’il se présente dans les divers pays membres — Royaume-Uni

1961 Europarat/Council of Europe: National memoranda on the problem of doping – Berichte aus Belgien, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande